Friday, January 29, 2010



The Exodus 20 Ten Commandments contain all that is necessary, and no more than is necessary, both as to their number and their order, while the Lord's prayer is complete in ten clauses - better interpreting the Ten Commandments as Activating the Ten Blessings of God.

The Lord's Prayer - The Spoken Out 10 Commanded Blessings of God in ten clauses !!!

These clauses have the significance of their respective numbers as in the Original 10 Commandments:—

The first, God's sovereignty - Our God rules over all creation even unseen.
The second, Jehovah's manifested Name - We will use you Name to invoke Your Power.
The third, the realization of God's kingdom - Our Right is to Rule & Reign on Earth.
The fourth first mentions the earth - Our Power to ENFORCE God's Rule on Earth.
The fifth, the gift of grace supplies all our need as we give away the same grace.
The sixth treats of sin - Adultery from God not necessarily sex sin only.
The seventh pleads for spiritual guidance - Which is Guaranteed.
The eighth pleads for deliverance from all evil - The Blood of Jesus - The Answer.
The ninth sums up the divine glory: The Power, Kingdom and Glory - Our Daily Weapons
The tenth completes the eternal cycles - Eternal life is our Portion & Destiny.

The Tithes - Given to Remind us of these 10 Commanded Blessings

The tithes represent the whole of what was due from man to God, as marking and recognizing God's claim on the whole.

The Redemption Money

The redemption money was ten gerahs, and thus was acknowledged both what God claimed, and what man was responsible to give. Now ten gerahs was half a shekel (Exodus 30:12-16; Numbers 3:47). Every male that was numbered, over 20 years of age, must pay this sum and meet God's claim. *

* When David numbered the people (2Samuel 24 and 1Chronicles 21), this payment was not made and God's claim was not met. Hence the judgment which followed.

But the first-born were to pay ten times as much; for when God took the Levites instead of the first-born of Israel, there were found 22,273 first-born males, but only 22,000 Levites. So that 273 had to pay the ransom money, which amounted to ten times ten gerahs. Thus, though the five shekels looked like a variation, the significance of ten is sustained, for the five shekels were ten times the "half shekel." (See Numbers 3:12,13,40-51).

The Ten Plagues on Egypt was The Ten Wonders to Israel

The ten plagues were representative of the complete circle of God's judgments on Egypt. Exodus 9:14, "I will . . . send all my plagues."



"I am the Bread of Life" (6:35) - POWER OVER UNTIMELY DEATH.

"I am the Bread of Life which came down from heaven" (6:41) - REVELATION.

"I am the Living Bread" (6:51) - DIVINE HEALTH AND LIFE OF MIRACLES .

"I am the Light of the world" (8:12) - DEMOLITION OF POWERS OF DARKNESS.

"I am One that bear witness of Myself" (8:18) - JESUS IS ALL YOU NEED.

"I am the Door of the sheep" (10:7,9) - BREAKTHROUGH IS ASSURED.

"I am the Good Shepherd" (10:14) - YOU DESTINY ON EARTH FULFILLED.

"I am the Resurrection and the Life" (14:6) - NOTHING DYING IN YOUR HAND.

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" (14:6) - NO DEFEAT BY SIN OR EVIL.

"I am the True Vine" (15:1,5) - CAN'T GO UNDER FOR GOING OVER WITH HIM.


God moved back the shadow on the sundial of Ahaz of ten degrees as a sign that He was going to deliver Hezekiah from his mortal sickness and the city where he was. (Is 38,1-8).

God is about to produce a miraculous sign and wonder for someone after these 10 Days of waiting that would bring about a real blessing and a God orchestrated and prospered legacy.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Year 2010 is a Year of 10:20

2010 is a Year that Matt. 10:20 will be the very foundation and operating system for our everyday life. From January to December the Very Word of our Mouth - backed with follow-through Acts becomes our Destiny Propeller.

Our Words in particular in this Year will make This 2010 a Year of "Digging New Wells," " A Year of Double Digits for Double Blessing and Restoration," "A Year of Release," and " A Year for breaking forth and Breaking Out." The last year was A Year of preparation - to break forth on every side and ride upon our high places in Jesus name. This Year is a Year of Words based on Matt. 10:20.

Therefore Year 2010 is also a Year of Salivation and Judgement based on our Words and Follow-Up Acts.

We should not be surprised to see Words and Acts of Violence and Peacemaking in Year 2010. We should not be surprised in this Year 2010 to see Words and Acts of Violence and Non-Violence being allowed by God to bring about judgement and salvation of people and nations beginning at the grass-root levels of our local communities.

1. In this Year 2010, we must come to terms that the God of the Bible is a God of both salvation and judgment. We must then be careful with our Words and Acts.

2. But in Year 2010 we must be assured that salvation and judgment are not equal with God. His Salvation forever outweighs His judgment - they are not parallel expressions of His nature. For Scripture called judgment His 'strange work' and called 'salvation' His characteristic work in which He delights.

3. In Jesus we found both salvation and judgment as still uneven by His Words and Acts because of our Words and Acts. That will still be His nature in Year 2010. He reacted to wilful perversity with anger, uttered scathing denunciations upon hypocrites, drove the moneychangers out of the temple and overturned their tables. But He also endured the humiliation and barbarities of flogging and crucifixion without resistance. His Salvation extravagantly and immeasurably outweighs His judgement then and will in 2010.

4. So then, just as we see in the ministry of the same Jesus both violence and non-violence, we still see Him in this Year 2010 operating on both ends to bring about His salvation and judgment.

5. As resorting to violence of word, and deed was occasional, alien, uncharacteristic then to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it will still be so in Year 2010; As His characteristic was non-violence then, we will experience His non-violence power and peacemaking grace keeping us safe throughout this Year 2010 both as individuals and a nation.

In Sum - Never Forget that the symbol of The Ministry of Jesus is not the Whip but the Cross. As long as we are IN Him, we have escaped judgement and entered salvation. Thus, we are able to dig new wells this year that will make us breakout and break-forth in every direction. Praise the Lord.