"The Greatness of the Number Two - The Number of Agreement - Matt. 18:18-20"
The generally accepted Symbol of Christ and His Followers from the days of the ancient Church is the Fish. The feeding of over '5000' people by the multiplication of the '5' Loaves and '2' Fishes represent two dimensions of a fulfillment. The Two Fishes represent Jesus Christ on one hand and His Followers on the other hands - in Agreement to give them to eat in the feeding of the multitude. This agreement brings us into union with Christ and manifesting our real nature as gods. Thus, we become truly men and women molded in God's image and likeness, with power of dominion over the earth and creation. But what is an Agreement?
(n.) A concurrence in an engagement by at least two parties that something shall be done or omitted; an exchange of promises by at least two parties; mutual understanding, arrangement, or stipulation; a contract.
(n.) The language, oral or written, embodying reciprocal promises by at least two parties.
(n.) State of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character; concurrence; concord; conformity; as, a good agreement subsists among the members of the council.
(n.) Concord by at least two parties or correspondence of one word with another in gender, number, case, or person.
If, in Year 2009, the Followers of Jesus - The Christ of God, can in agreement with His Word come into one Heart with Him and with the Father - there would be an abundance, a multiplication and a great fruitfulness. 2009 is doubtlessly the Year of Fruitfulness and the Year of Numbers.
2. The Two Fishes of this miracle of feeding the '5000' is a sign of agreement between Christ and His Disciples that makes all multiplication (fruitfulness) easily possible. For those who will seek for two things and two things only this Year 2009: to know the heart of God in Christ and to know their own heart in Christ's light - there will be a release Great Fruitfulness in every direction - proving all that makes them gods after the similtude of God Almighty.
Knowing the Heart of God as gods (men and women molded in God's image and likeness) fires up our power of dominion over the earth and over demons. The Agreement of '2' we have in Christ Jesus (knowing His Heart) makes us:
- to know God - to know the depth of His love towards all people. In His compassion - Christ saw them as "sheep without a shepherd" (Mark 6:34).
- it was not enough for Him to heal and teach them; He personally cared for each of them. Their physical well-being, even concerning food, was important to Him. To possess this mentality is to have the heart of Jesus Christ or that which transforms us into gods (men and women molded in God's image and likeness) with power of dominion over the earth.
3. A lad with five loaves and two fish provided enough for Jesus to work another miracle. Whereas '5' is the Number of Divine Appointment, '2' is the Number of Divine Agreement. But a Divine appointment nestled in Divine Agreement must surely bring about a Divine Multiplication and Expansion. Divine Agreement in all its ramifications is to have the heart of Jesus Christ. But it must be remembered that to have the heart of Jesus Christ is to consider Christ Jesus in every step of life and every thought perceived even when we are tired and wanting to rest like Jesus and His disciples, "For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat" (Mark 6:31).
4. Consider Jesus: He personally had come to pray and be strengthened. For John the Baptist, Jesus' forerunner, had been beheaded earlier that very week at the hands of Herod. It was in the state of being emotionally and physically depleted that Jesus fed the multitudes—not just once or twice but over and over again. "He kept giving [the bread and the fish] to the disciples to set before them" (Mark 6:41). This is all about coming into agreement with Jesus Christ or the having the heart of Jesus Christ - the heart that keeps on giving and giving - that makes all fruitfulness easy and readily possible.
5. The Agreement (based on the number '2') that brings fruitfulness into one's life cannot be effectual unless one know these things - agreement with Jesus Christ which is the having of the heart of Jesus Christ - the heart that keeps on giving and giving - that makes for all fruitfulness. If I would actually do His will, I must truly know His heart, then Year 2009 would be my Year of Fruitfulness. Therefore, this Year 2009, in all my study and times of prayer I am seeking more than just knowledge; I am searching for the heart of God. Would this be your testimony?
6. Knowing Our Hearts by the Mystery of the Number '2'.
Agreement between an individual Christian and Jesus Christ (a party of Two) has at its most fundamental level the pursuit to having the heart of Jesus Christ - which is the pursuit of fruitfulness as one gives and keep giving.
At the same time, as we draw closer to the heart of God, the very fire of His presence begins a deep purging work within us. In the vastness of His riches, our poverty appears. The psalmist wrote, "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood, and has not sworn deceitfully" (Psalm 24:3-4). This is truly the secret of fruitfulness.
7. All said and done, the revelation surrounding the Number '2' simply says to us that our heads must first of all agree with our hearts in other for us to maintain course to the call of God to fruitfulness which we must pursue this Year 2009. Have you discovered your true self, the inner person whom truth alone can free? Yes, we seek outward holiness, but true holiness arises from here; it comes as the Spirit of Truth unveils the hidden places in our hearts. Indeed, it is truthfulness which leads to holiness that brings about genuine fruitfulness.
And as gods (men and women molded in God's image and likeness, with power of dominion over the earth), God has granted us the zeal for truth so that we can stand in His holy place! Truth is knowing God's heart as it was revealed in Christ, and it is knowing our own hearts in the light of God's grace. This is the mystery of the Number '2' binging about Divine Agreement and the Secret of fruitfulness that results from Divine Agreement. For it is only in finding Him that we discover ourselves, for we are "in Him."
CONCLUSION: If the power of '2' or Divine Agreement that yields fruitfulness will work for us (that is, if we would be holy), we must first renounce falsehood. We must be Light and not merely as a symbol but walking in the light of God' grace and word. Having been justified by faith and washed in the sacrificial Blood of Jesus, we need not pretend to be righteous. For we have been made the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We need only to become truthful (taking our place as gods - men and women molded in God's image and likeness, with power of dominion over the earth), to become fruitful.
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