Thursday, February 18, 2010

From Today - See, Turn, and Hear Your Way out of Captivity and into the New

Today - Thursday February 18, 2010. Meditate on this write-up:

As I have been praying for you, Beloved, I am receiving a word that the ordeals of the past year are over. You just have to embrace the new season. When Isaiah heard the Lord make the statement and ask the question, Behold, I DO a NEW Thing! Can YOU not SEE or perceive what is new around you? (Isaiah 43:19), the people were in danger of not shifting their sight to SEE their way into their future. They were a people going into captivity, but He was promising them that He would show them their way out at the perfect time. However, they would have to SEE the opening and opportunity to change their identity for the future. This is where you are now. Beloved, In this season, we must see our way out of our past captivities.

We Are Shifting from Hearing to SEEING! In the past, we have heard a "word from behind us telling us which way to go," but now HE will manifest in a way that we have to notice Him, turn and look, and then hear His word telling us which way to go. We have a great example of the time to shift and the pattern for the season ahead when we look at Exodus 3:1-4:

Moses was shepherding the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. He led the flock to the west end of the wilderness and came to the mountain of God, Horeb. The angel of GOD appeared to him in flames of fire blazing out of the middle of a bush. He looked. The bush was blazing away but it didn't burn up. Moses said, "What's going on here? I can't believe this! Amazing! Why doesn't the bush burn up?" GOD saw that he had stopped to look. God called to him from out of the bush, "Moses! Moses!" He said, "Yes? I'm right here!" (from The Message).

Beloved, the heavens had changed because of your cry just like the cry of the people of Israel in their slavery had reached His throne room. He responded and remembered His covenant that He had made 400 years prior. His response came in the form of a new manifestation. Moses recognized the new manifestation. This caused him to stop his normal daily activities. He did not just see the manifestation. The word above says that "He stopped to look." He turned from his past and present to "see" his future. When Moses saw, he then heard his calling to advance.

The Key is LETTING GO of the old pains, old way you have dealt with issues, old duties, routines, thought patterns, emotions, relationships and ambitions. Be very careful with your plans for the future and even your plans for your life from here on. Beloved, you must begin to see what God is showing you. When we see, then turn (the same word for change), we will hear transition and be repositioned out of last season's captivities and into next season's freedom. Be willing to see and then say "Here I am."

Meditate on Exodus 2:24-end of the chapter. Read Exodus 3-6.

Friday February 19, 2010. Beloved meditate on this write-up: The Voice of God is Like a GPS Navigator

I used my new GPS to get to get around these days. I was struck by how much God is like this GPS system in my car. First of all, the GPS tells you what to do when you are a short distance from your shifting turn. The voice of the GPS then grows more urgent as you get closer to your needed turn. However, the voice does not give you too much information too far in advance. If you miss the turn to your destination, the GPS recalculates and gives you another way to the destination. Isn't that like God? He forewarns us of how to get to where we need to go. The Spirit then gets stronger when we get close to the perfect timing to shift. Then, even if we 'miss it', He is longsuffering and recalculates our path into victory."

May you see and hear every turn on your path as you press forward. If you miss a turn, may you find grace and find your way.

Memorize Proverbs 4:18 But the path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day [to be prepared]. (Amplified Bible)

Meditate on Psalm 16. Read 2 Samuel 23, Matthew 5.

Saturday February 20, 2010. Beloved meditate on this write-up: See, Say and Profit, and team up with my Pastoral eyes to reap the blessings of a Seer

When the Lord is doing a new thing, we have an opportunity to leave the old. We see our way from Destructive Workings and Old Cycles in our past and into the new! Our Emotional Instability breaks and we find our footing for the future. The Flesh Rule from the past has to let go as we move into a new Spirit realm in the future. We must leave one season of warfare in the past and move into a new war for the future. This gives us the strength for God to move each of us into the Building Plan for the Future.

You will begin to SEE in a new way but WHAT you SEE you MUST SAY! The Seer Sees and actively announces and pours forth the declarations of God. Ro'eh (the seer) and (c)hozeh (the vision), are used to designate the prophet, both meaning "one who sees," and sometimes rendered "seer." This is a season where the pastor will change drastically. The old way church has been run and the way the sheep have been communicated with will now change. The Pastor will become a seer and the sheep will receive fresh vision from Holy Spirit. The Pastor will be sharing what is being seen and developing key vision.

The Holy Spirit's voice will manifest to direct us in a new way. This will cause you to decree that Jesus is Lord! Holy Spirit will create many different ministries in days ahead. Holy Spirit will create diversities of activities. Holy Spirit will manifest the voice of God in us through prophecy, faith, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, healing, miracles, discerning of spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues. This will cause poverty in us to break individually and corporately. This will cause us ALL to PROFIT in a new way. Pray that Holy Spirit has His way in your life and in our church gatherings.

Read I Samuel 3. Meditate on I Corinthians 12. Memorize Psalm 23.

Sunday February 21, 2010. Beloved meditate on this write-up: See Your Path and Cycle of Prosperity

As a child there were several Bible passages that many of us were taught. Psalm 23 was one which we memorized and was used for comfort in distress and affliction. However, most of us never realized that this Psalm really says, "I will lead you in your path of prosperity through paths of righteousness for MY name sake."

In Hebrew, the word Path is ‘agol, which means to "be round or a cycle." The Lord guides us in the cycles of righteousness. The enemy hates the thought of us staying on a path of righteousness because he knows that we will SEE the fullness of His plan for our lives. God already has our path of prosperity in place. This path or cycle is linked with the yearly return received from the Feasts of Yahweh. Chag, or festival, means to make a cycle. If we understand the feast, then we understand cycles. We can be led properly, begin to prosper, move into abundance and have no lack. "The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not WANT because He leads me in the cycle of prosperity. I will see My blessings wherever I walk. Even through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I can celebrate Him and not get out of time, and See my blessings!"

Read, memorize and meditate on Psalm 23.

Monday February 22, 2010. Beloved meditate on this write-up: Be Lavish! Follow Hard and Gain Momentum! Celebrating First-fruits Keeps Us SEEKING!

By understanding, celebrating, and giving at Firstfruits each month, you gain momentum in the spirit and eventually God's blessings overtake you. This produces a Kingdom mentality in you. You learn to give your best each month. This is so different than tithing. This concept builds within you the call to SEEK HIS KINGDOM FIRST and then WATCH ALL ELSE BE ADDED.

When we quit seeking Him first, we lose momentum! This is a time to Gain Kingdom Strength and Momentum NOW! Matthew 11:12 says, And from the days of John the Baptist until NOW the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. This was the statement that the Lord made to John the Baptist's disciples. John, who had chosen not to move with Jesus in His three year ministry of revolution, was now imprisoned. During this time, he had begun to question the One whom he had paved the way for to produce the redemption of mankind. Jesus' ministry was gaining momentum and John's ministry was coming to a close.

JESUS had just finished His charge to His twelve disciples and left there to teach and to preach in their Galilean cities. Only Philip and Andrew had left John's wineskin and transferred to keep following the Lord and seeking the Kingdom.

When John heard about the activities of the Lord, he sends some of his remaining disciples to question Jesus by asking in Matthew 11:3-6, Are You the One who was to come, or should we keep on expecting a different one? And Jesus replied to them, Go and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed (by healing) and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up and the poor have good news (the Gospel) preached to them.] And blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) is he who takes no offense at Me and finds no cause for stumbling in or through Me and is not hindered from seeing the truth. In other words, believe and SEE what you prophesied in the past manifesting now. Follow hard. Do not get offended and stumble over something that I am doing differently.

The same is with us. This is the time that many prophesies from the past season are manifesting. We must not look away and quit following because they are coming about in ways we did not expect. We must not get offended by the changes coming into our methods, messages and worship structures. We must keep seeking first and not get shaken and lose momentum.

You are in a KINGDOM that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:27-28). Unspiritual and carnal MAN cannot understand or SEE this Kingdom. We become carnal when we lose the process of seeking Him first. Jesus taught and imparted an understanding of Kingdom. Kingdom manifestation has a perfect timing.

Read Matthew 11, Luke 11. Memorize Matthew 11:12. Meditate on Proverbs 3:5-12, Hebrews 12:27-28.

Tuesday February 23, 2010. Beloved meditate on this write-up:: Be Swift to Praise! Remove the Mask of Sadness and Turn to Laughter!

Be blessed and filled with the Spirit of God. May you have favor with the Lord and favor with all that are in your path. This is the Month of Adar. The Lord designed time with a built-in blessing for us to claim and walk in. I want to bless you as you enter into the last month of the Hebrew Year. Next month we will fully "Passover" into this season of AYIN. There is great power in blessing. If you will receive the blessing of God each month, the power of the blessing will begin to work in your life and develop your identity. You will eventually go "from blessing to blessing until blessings overtake you."

Be swift to praise! Every month is linked with an understanding of one of the twelve tribes. Each tribe has a redemptive blessing. We are grafted into the blessings of Abraham and his descendants. This is a month linked with the tribe of Naphtali, "a deer (hind) let loose." The blessing of Naphtali included the concept of being swift and the ability to harvest quickly. The crops of the allotted land for this tribe would ripen swiftly. During the war with Sisera under Deborah's leadership, the valiant warriors of Naphtali were nimble, quick and played a leading role in Israel's victory. Naphtali was filled with praise because of the abundance of produce from its tribe's crops. They were more quick and agile than any other tribe and their communication secured Jacob's inheritance. On Galilee's mountains, this troop "brought good tidings" of Jesus (Isaiah 52:7).

One of the best verses to shout out loud this month is, The Lord will make my feet like hinds' feet (Psalm 18:33). We should decree that we will skip and jump on the mountains of the circumstances in our lives. We should decree that our fortunes can increase and become strong. This is the month that joy must increase so we are propelled into a season of deliverance.

Remove the mask of sadness and turn to laughter! This is the month of the sense of laughter, abounding joy, the power of barrenness being broken, the advantage of light over darkness, and witnessing how light and revelation break the power of darkness around us. Decree any curse that has been spoken and set against you will be overturned. Declare the bitter will become sweet. Shout,- "My fear shall laugh!" This is a month to celebrate. Declare deliverance from any deep hidden grief. Ask the Lord for joy and laughter to arise in your emotions. Declare your emotions are healed and restored.

Firstfruits Celebration for Adar: MY FEAR SHALL LAUGH! The FUTURE calls! This is the month of endings and beginnings. One of the reasons I am asking you to fast with us is so we are properly prepared for Passover, which falls in the "first of months." This is also the month of Purim, when the Jews celebrate their deliverance from Haman. After Esther's fast, she gained favor with the king and eventually saw the plans of the enemy turned back upon himself!

Wednesday February 24, 2010. Beloved meditate on this write-up: Do Not FEAR: See Your Promise from God's Perspective!

When the people of Israel decided to move by sight and not faith, the Lord allowed their leaders to go over and view the Promised Land that He had made covenant to give to Abraham's descendants. They saw the abundance, they saw the richness, they saw the development, but they also saw the warfare. The vision of the warfare in the form of giants caused one generation to reject the promise and postpone the manifestation of the blessings that had been offered.

In this season DO NOT LET FEAR win the battle! Fear is a spirit that attaches to our emotion and clouds our thinking process. Fear causes us to withdraw into poverty and a mundane lifestyle. They saw the abundant crops that had been offered but rejected their moment of prosperity. One grapevine's yield was greater than an entire vineyard. DO NOT REJECT the YIELD and INCREASE.

The leaders' confession empowered by fear bred unbelief through the entire nation. They were convinced that the giants were more powerful than they. They saw them from their perspective rather than through the eyes of the One who was giving them the land they ruled. They revealed a fear in their heart. They actually believed God was capable, but they did not believe they were worthy of His miracles and thus rejected their new identity and longed to be slaves again. They preferred returning to captivity. They passed their own sentence (Numbers 14:2), that they would die in the wilderness. They slandered the promise that God had offered and were therefore cursed in the process. They longed for their last season and rejected the new season ahead. This set the course of their undoing. It was 40 years later before this window reopened for them to return (Numbers 14:34). They refused their return to the "Garden" that God had provided for them.

War for the Promise! He has your Garden of Restoration and abundance. Don't be afraid to leave the past season behind. Remove any root of abandonment in you and strengthen your faith to go up against an enemy that appears stronger than you.

Joshua and Caleb responded with a different spirit. Ask the Lord to break vexation from your spirit based upon wrong perception of the war ahead for your blessings.

Read Numbers 14; Deuteronomy 1, 2; Genesis 3. Meditate on 2 Corinthians 10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a powerful teaching message