Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Accessing the Miracle Anointing of the Number '5' and '2' - Jesus feeds the 5,000"

"When the apostles returned, they reported to Jesus what they had done. Then he took them with him and they withdrew to a town called Bethseda, but the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God and healed those who needed healing." Lk 9:10,11


The apostles had just returned from an apostolic assignment during which they had been sent out by Jesus with power and authority to preach the Gospel and to heal the sick. Having completed their mission they returned to report back to the Lord all that happened. Even although the disciples had experienced a phenomenal outpouring of anointing to heal the sick, Jesus knew they needed to make the transition and enter into creative miracle anointing. Even as the apostles shared their experiences with the Lord, He preached to the gathered crowds about the kingdom of God and demonstrated God's love to the multitudes and prayed for the sick. Jesus went one step further in praying for healing - when there was no food to be found save for a small boy's lunch OF THE NUMBER '5' AND '2', the Lord used this as an opportunity to model the way for the apostles to access the creative miracle aspect of God's glory.



"Taking the five loaves and two fishes" Luke 9:16

'5' is the Number of Divine Appointment or Encounter and '2' is the Number of Divine Agreement !!!!

Initially the disciples wanted to send the people away but Jesus said, "You feed them". Whatever we have in our hand, we must be willing to use all our resource, talent and gifts for Jesus. At this point it seems that the disciples didn't realise they had the ability by faith to access provision for the multitudes but Jesus wanted to show them that they could do this by engaging with the Holy Spirit. Jesus gave God the Father precedence (first place) and in so doing He set a new precedent and the miracle atmosphere of heaven invaded the mountain causing that which was created (i.e. the bread and fishes) to be transformed and creatively multiplied by God's glory!


"And looking up to heaven" Luke 9:

Jesus focused on His Father for provision. When we enter into covenant of appointment with the Father (by faith, nothing mystical) based on the Number '5' and understand thereof what it means to look to the Father - our perspective changes and we see our Provider - not the problem. Jesus understood that Father God is Creator; in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the Holy Spirit was brooding over the waters. When we speak with faith and undergirding that faith on the principle and power (founded in articles of 3 T's of Time, Talent or Treasure) of '5' with the attached '0' intensities - [5 Articles of Seed, hours, Days, Weeks, Months and so on], the Holy Spirit moves in power to release creative miracles. Jesus wanted His disciples to get a fresh revelation of God as Creator and understand that accessing the miracle anointing is as simple as breathing in God's presence. Covenant of appointment with the Father (by faith and nothing mystical) based on the Number '5' becomes one way to quickly access the power of creative miracle this Year 2009. But it must be followed through by other means of consecration.


"He gave thanks"

Jesus blessed the food and offered it up to His heavenly Father, knowing and trusting that God was well able to multiply what was in His hands. When we give what we have to God He causes it to multiply by grace. Praise opens the floodgates of heaven to release the Father's abundance. An attitude of thankfulness in our hearts becomes an altar of devotion upon which God can send fresh fire TO FULFIL A DIVING APPOINTMENT. We can be thankful that in the same way that the Lord Jesus provided for the 5,000 (a proof of high intensity of Divine Appointment) hungry souls He also meets us in our hour of need today. Such meetings are never of the mundane variety for it becomes a place of convergence of heaven's glory with earthen vessels causing an explosion of abundant provision.


"And broke them"

It is in breaking that bounty flows - this is the message of the Cross. Our Lord Jesus' body was broken so that we might be made whole. Yet, as disciples we will still experience our own personal time of breaking ESPEICALLY OF OUR MENTALITY so that we can enter into a New Revelation and Present Truth; when we reach a low point and have nothing left to offer but a rigorous determination to rely on the love of our precious Savior as He reveals more things to us. In such a place of humility God delights to meet us and pour out His favour on us. In this way we access the eternal atmosphere, causing a shift into breakthrough. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. (Mt 13:44) Sometimes we must search deeply in our souls before we finally access this hidden treasure and all the blessings it contains, but rest assured as earnest seekers we will always have access to all areas of Heaven's resource. Isn't strange how learning about the mystery of Numbers is strange to many Christian Believers? But we must access the hidden treasure. Praise God.

When Jesus had prayed for the food the miracle was not yet evident for anyone to see, but Jesus had expectant faith in His heart for God to cause a transformation in what lay before Him. He was right! Jesus also wanted to ensure that His disciples were fully engaged in the creative miracle because He wanted them (and us) to understand that we will do even greater things than He did. To be able to do greater than we need to at least do the same as, and for that to happen we need to look to the example of the Lord - operating on the Principle of '5'.


"Then he gave them to the disciples to set before the people" Luke 9:16
“The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed.” Matthew 13:31

"The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed" (Mt 13:31) if the children of the Kingdom can understand the power of agreement and operate by it; a mustard seed is capable of exponential and explosive growth. Let's think for a moment about what was happening on the mountain - a minimum of five thousand people have been instructed to sit down in groups of fifty to one hundred. They have been with Jesus all day and they are in a remote location. It's starting to get dark and everyone knows that the only food in the camp belongs to a little boy who offered it up to the Lord for all to share - so between 5,000 there are five loaves and two fishes. Imagine the atmosphere. Jesus has been preaching for hours about the kingdom of God. The people are caught up with His teaching but the reality is their stomachs are grumbling loudly. They have been given instructions to sit and wait. Perhaps some were getting anxious or annoyed. Perhaps in others a mustard seed of faith begins to sprout in their hearts. The apostles are probably at their wit's end. They've never been in this situation before and they don't know what to do next. All eyes are fixed on Jesus as He prays, blesses the food and then gives the same five loaves and two fishes to the exhausted disciples to distribute. Everyone can see that original food has been broken twelve ways ('1' and '2' proof of what can happen when God - represented by the number '1' of Divine Originality or Source- is the primary focus or agenda and we act in agreement on Him only as seen in the number '2') but they are all crucially aware that there isn't suddenly a huge pile of 5000 loaves and fishes. It's still only two fish and three loaves! If you were a disciple at that time, what would you do?

Jesus taught that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed we can move mountains, in other words, we can expect to see creative miracle acceleration in any and all situations we apply faith and the Father's heart to. Somewhere in the depths of these dear apostles and all the people with them, a mustard seed explosion was taking place! Jesus wanted His disciples to move from healing anointing into creative miracle anointing. He wanted them to know it wasn't a difficult thing. We just need to access God's presence, understand He is Creator God and acknowledge the Holy Spirit moves on words spoken in faith!


"They ate and were satisfied" Luke 9:17

So the disciples walked tentatively towards the seated multitudes and began to hand out the bread and fishes and they just kept on giving. It took humility to accept the unchanged fish and walk towards the waiting multitudes with raw faith. It took true God-reliance to walk into the creative miracle flow EVEN IF THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FIVE LOAVES AND TWO FISHES MEANT, but yet it was only one small step for mankind and a giant blessing from Father! The flow of God didn't stop until everyone had eaten and there was a whole lot left over too! God is able to satisfy and meet our every need in a way that no other can.

There are many reasons why miracles happen and chief amongst them is God's love and His desire for all men to be saved. But God's people must possess the Dominion mind-set and see themselves as God's Oracles and Agents (gods) as to take the limits off God to do all that makes Him God in the midst of His people. This was a golden opportunity for the apostles to partner with Heaven bring it down to Earth and see thousands swept into the kingdom that day. Miracle meetings are about people have God-ordained APPOINTMENTS OR ENCOUNTERS so that the Kingdom can be made known and God's love made manifest in our lives. God still loves to pour out miracle anointing today especially if we can trigger such through this hidden treasure of numbers, signs and symbols.

God wants to meet us in our spiritual hunger and gift us with Heavenly manna to feed the multitudes. He is looking for a people who understand they have an apostolic and prophetic mission to go into all nations and make disciples. We are healed for mission, anointed to share His love and mantled with covenant miracle blessings. Our Father provides, protects, nurtures and encourages each one of us to step into the creative miracle anointing today! All we need do is to enter into His fresh revelation and operate by faith the Present Truth especially on this hidden treasure of numbers, signs and symbols.

Beloved, I encourage you today to press in for all that God has for you with this hidden treasure of numbers, signs and symbols. Let us Pray:

Father, we thank you for the beautiful message of a little boy and his lunch and the creative miracle working power you released through the prayer of faith of your Son. Father, help us to be like Jesus. Holy Spirit come and guide us in our prayers of faith and usher in a global creative outpouring of miracle anointing to win the lost, to feed the hungry, to give water to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to heal the sick, to deliver the demonized, to comfort the prisoner and raise the dead. Let us in the apostolic understanding and operating solely in the Spirit do what we see You do and say what we hear you say so that we can reap all that you have for us in this hidden treasure of numbers, signs and symbols.

For Yeshua’s namesake we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


"The Greatness of the Number Two - The Number of Agreement - Matt. 18:18-20"


The generally accepted Symbol of Christ and His Followers from the days of the ancient Church is the Fish. The feeding of over '5000' people by the multiplication of the '5' Loaves and '2' Fishes represent two dimensions of a fulfillment. The Two Fishes represent Jesus Christ on one hand and His Followers on the other hands - in Agreement to give them to eat in the feeding of the multitude. This agreement brings us into union with Christ and manifesting our real nature as gods. Thus, we become truly men and women molded in God's image and likeness, with power of dominion over the earth and creation. But what is an Agreement?

(n.) A concurrence in an engagement by at least two parties that something shall be done or omitted; an exchange of promises by at least two parties; mutual understanding, arrangement, or stipulation; a contract.
(n.) The language, oral or written, embodying reciprocal promises by at least two parties.
(n.) State of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character; concurrence; concord; conformity; as, a good agreement subsists among the members of the council.
(n.) Concord by at least two parties or correspondence of one word with another in gender, number, case, or person.

If, in Year 2009, the Followers of Jesus - The Christ of God, can in agreement with His Word come into one Heart with Him and with the Father - there would be an abundance, a multiplication and a great fruitfulness. 2009 is doubtlessly the Year of Fruitfulness and the Year of Numbers.

2. The Two Fishes of this miracle of feeding the '5000' is a sign of agreement between Christ and His Disciples that makes all multiplication (fruitfulness) easily possible. For those who will seek for two things and two things only this Year 2009: to know the heart of God in Christ and to know their own heart in Christ's light - there will be a release Great Fruitfulness in every direction - proving all that makes them gods after the similtude of God Almighty.

Knowing the Heart of God as gods (men and women molded in God's image and likeness) fires up our power of dominion over the earth and over demons. The Agreement of '2' we have in Christ Jesus (knowing His Heart) makes us:

- to know God - to know the depth of His love towards all people. In His compassion - Christ saw them as "sheep without a shepherd" (Mark 6:34).

- it was not enough for Him to heal and teach them; He personally cared for each of them. Their physical well-being, even concerning food, was important to Him. To possess this mentality is to have the heart of Jesus Christ or that which transforms us into gods (men and women molded in God's image and likeness) with power of dominion over the earth.

3. A lad with five loaves and two fish provided enough for Jesus to work another miracle. Whereas '5' is the Number of Divine Appointment, '2' is the Number of Divine Agreement. But a Divine appointment nestled in Divine Agreement must surely bring about a Divine Multiplication and Expansion. Divine Agreement in all its ramifications is to have the heart of Jesus Christ. But it must be remembered that to have the heart of Jesus Christ is to consider Christ Jesus in every step of life and every thought perceived even when we are tired and wanting to rest like Jesus and His disciples, "For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat" (Mark 6:31).

4. Consider Jesus: He personally had come to pray and be strengthened. For John the Baptist, Jesus' forerunner, had been beheaded earlier that very week at the hands of Herod. It was in the state of being emotionally and physically depleted that Jesus fed the multitudes—not just once or twice but over and over again. "He kept giving [the bread and the fish] to the disciples to set before them" (Mark 6:41). This is all about coming into agreement with Jesus Christ or the having the heart of Jesus Christ - the heart that keeps on giving and giving - that makes all fruitfulness easy and readily possible.

5. The Agreement (based on the number '2') that brings fruitfulness into one's life cannot be effectual unless one know these things - agreement with Jesus Christ which is the having of the heart of Jesus Christ - the heart that keeps on giving and giving - that makes for all fruitfulness. If I would actually do His will, I must truly know His heart, then Year 2009 would be my Year of Fruitfulness. Therefore, this Year 2009, in all my study and times of prayer I am seeking more than just knowledge; I am searching for the heart of God. Would this be your testimony?

6. Knowing Our Hearts by the Mystery of the Number '2'.

Agreement between an individual Christian and Jesus Christ (a party of Two) has at its most fundamental level the pursuit to having the heart of Jesus Christ - which is the pursuit of fruitfulness as one gives and keep giving.

At the same time, as we draw closer to the heart of God, the very fire of His presence begins a deep purging work within us. In the vastness of His riches, our poverty appears. The psalmist wrote, "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood, and has not sworn deceitfully" (Psalm 24:3-4). This is truly the secret of fruitfulness.

7. All said and done, the revelation surrounding the Number '2' simply says to us that our heads must first of all agree with our hearts in other for us to maintain course to the call of God to fruitfulness which we must pursue this Year 2009. Have you discovered your true self, the inner person whom truth alone can free? Yes, we seek outward holiness, but true holiness arises from here; it comes as the Spirit of Truth unveils the hidden places in our hearts. Indeed, it is truthfulness which leads to holiness that brings about genuine fruitfulness.

And as gods (men and women molded in God's image and likeness, with power of dominion over the earth), God has granted us the zeal for truth so that we can stand in His holy place! Truth is knowing God's heart as it was revealed in Christ, and it is knowing our own hearts in the light of God's grace. This is the mystery of the Number '2' binging about Divine Agreement and the Secret of fruitfulness that results from Divine Agreement. For it is only in finding Him that we discover ourselves, for we are "in Him."

CONCLUSION: If the power of '2' or Divine Agreement that yields fruitfulness will work for us (that is, if we would be holy), we must first renounce falsehood. We must be Light and not merely as a symbol but walking in the light of God' grace and word. Having been justified by faith and washed in the sacrificial Blood of Jesus, we need not pretend to be righteous. For we have been made the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. We need only to become truthful (taking our place as gods - men and women molded in God's image and likeness, with power of dominion over the earth), to become fruitful.

Thursday, January 15, 2009



Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.—ACTS 4:12

Year 2009 is the Year of Numbers (combination or non combination of the digits 0 to 9), then of Symbols (alphanumeric) and of Colors. It is the understanding of these Numbers (0 - 9), Symbols (alphanumeric) and Colors that would yield to us the keys to making this Year 2009 a Year of Fruitfulness. 9 (Nine) is the Number of Fruitfulness - Every full and proper human birthing must take place on the Ninth Month just like the Manifestations of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit and the Gift of the Holy Spirit are Nine - Gal. 5:22-23 and 1 Cor. 12:8-10. In biblical ways, these gifts determine the name or the authority we bear. Our Authority is found in the Name in us and Over us. In other words, our names are symbolic of the gift or gifts of us in us which is the authority of our Spiritual Office - the Key to Overcoming in life. Yet, Biblical names are the combination of symbols (Hebrew characters of letters or numbers - alphanumeric) and carry great significance and reveal their bearer's very nature or their God-given overcoming authority - over Satan and Man as they walk through this Earth.

For our case study in this blogspot, let us consider Abraham - the Father of our Faith and let us examine how in covenant his name became a combination of symbolic characters or alphanumeric. Before completing His covenant with Abram, God (whose name is spelled YHWH in Hebrew and written as alphanumeric or symbols) took the symbol-like letter "H" from His own name and placed it in the names Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah). Please note that in Hebrew symbol-writings, the "H" represents God's breath, and in so doing He (God whose most dreaded full name is Jehovah) breathed new life into this childless covenant couple. By putting His name on them, He was putting His authority into their lives and it is now up to them to exercise that authority over their circumstances and over the world around themselves.

Every law enforcement agent on Earth in any nation must have an Official Number. This is from time immemorial. But where and how did man learn to tag a number of enforcement on man as an agent of dominion in the natural realm? Do you realize that even in Heaven, Angels (Revelation chapters 8 to 10) have their duties defined by their numbers and alphanumeric symbolic name of God that is upon them. But the acts of God in using alphanumeric symbolisms to stamp Himself on His people did not end with Abraham and Sarah nor with the Angels. Thus, God has put into us His Name - which is His authority to act as Himself or God like - that which has been His plan for us from the beginning of creation. Gen. 1: 26-28. God has made us His Oracles when He said that we are His people which are called by His Name (either His Name YHWH - that most dreaded full name Jehovah or whatever alphanumeric symbolic name of His choosing) in 2 Chronicles 7:14. But the most powerful revelation of the alphanumeric symbolism of God in stamping Himself on us (making us into gods over this generation or earth) was finally done in Christ Jesus. Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus gave us new name. Jesus made this decree, "Him that overcometh . . . I will write upon him my New Name" (Revelation 3:12). Therefore as Oracles and God-like people, we are nothing else but Overcomers in this age and generation.

But what is this New Name (New Authority) of Jesus Christ that has been stamped on us as Overcomers? I submit to you that it is all the complete embodiment and the full alphanumeric ramification of His Name YHWH - that most dreaded full name Jehovah or whatever symbolic Name of His choosing as in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and as found from Genesis to Revelation. Hence it is written, "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name (invoking the authority) of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). Jesus means "God saves." Because God gave His Son a name which is above every name (Philippians 2:9), we can rejoice today that we are partakers of that glorious covenant and that even the devils are subject unto us through His name or by His empowered Authority! (Luke 10:17). We must walk and live our Father in Heaven, being seated in the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus. For we are gods.

I confess Your name, Jesus - the Anointed One and His Anointing - because that is my authority over this life and age. I rest in the security of Your name which is my authority to overcome this world and Satan with all his diabolical agents. I rejoice in praising Your name as I appreciate what AUTHORITY I have as a Son of God and not merely as a Child of God. I act in the power of Your name which is the AUTHORITY I possess to enforce Your will on Earth and bridge the gap between Heaven and Earth. Amen.



Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.—ACTS 4:12

Biblical names are combination of symbols (Hebrew characters of letters or numbers) and carry great significance and reveal their bearer's very nature or their God-given overcoming authority over Satan and Man as they walk through this Earth. For our case study, let us consider Abraham - the Father of our Faith and let us examine how in covenant his name became a combination of symbolic characters or alphanumeric. Before completing His covenant with Abram, God (whose name is spelled YHWH in Hebrew and written as alphanumeric or symbols) took the symbol-like letter "H" from His own name and placed it in the names Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah). Please note that in Hebrew symbol-writings, the "H" represents God's breath, and in so doing He (God whose most dreaded full name is Jehovah) breathed new life into this childless covenant couple. By putting His name on them, He was putting His authority into their lives and it is now up to them to exercise that authority over their circumstances and over the world around themselves.

Every law enforcement agent on Earth in any nation must have an Official Number. This is from time immemorial. But where and how did man learn to tag a number of enforcement on man as an agent of dominion in the natural realm? Do you realize that even in Heaven, Angels (Revelation chapters 8 to 10) have their duties defined by their numbers and alphanumeric symbolic name of God that is upon them. But the acts of God in using alphanumeric symbolisms to stamp Himself on His people did not end with Abraham and Sarah nor with the Angels. Thus, God has put into us His Name - which is His authority to act as Himself or God like - that which has been His plan for us from the beginning of creation. Gen. 1: 26-28. God has made us His Oracles when He said that we are His people which are called by His Name (either His Name YHWH - that most dreaded full name Jehovah or whatever alphanumeric symbolic name of His choosing) in 2 Chronicles 7:14. But the most powerful revelation of the alphanumeric symbolism of God in stamping Himself on us (making us into gods over this generation or earth) was finally done in Christ Jesus. Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus gave us new name. Jesus made this decree, "Him that overcometh . . . I will write upon him my New Name" (Revelation 3:12). Therefore as Oracles and God-like people, we are nothing else but Overcomers in this age and generation.

But what is this New Name (New Authority) of Jesus Christ that has been stamped on us as Overcomers? I submit to you that it is all the complete embodiment and the full alphanumeric ramification of His Name YHWH - that most dreaded full name Jehovah or whatever symbolic Name of His choosing as in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and as found from Genesis to Revelation. Hence it is written, "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name (invoking the authority) of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21). Jesus means "God saves." Because God gave His Son a name which is above every name (Philippians 2:9), we can rejoice today that we are partakers of that glorious covenant and that even the devils are subject unto us through His name or by His empowered Authority! (Luke 10:17). We must walk and live our Father in Heaven, being seated in the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus. We are gods.

I confess Your name, Jesus - the Anointed One and His Anointing - because that is my authority over this life and age. I rest in the security of Your name which is my authority to overcome this world and Satan with all his diabolical agents. I rejoice in praising Your name as I appreciate what AUTHORITY I have as a Son of God and not merely as a Child of God. I act in the power of Your name which is the AUTHORITY I possess to enforce Your will on Earth and bridge the gap between Heaven and Earth. Amen.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Year of Fruitfulness

The Year of Fruitfulness

"I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep My covenant with you. You will still be eating last year's harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new. I will put My dwelling place among you, and I will not abhor you. I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be My people. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high." Leviticus 26: 9-13

But carefully note the Word: "...and make you fruitful..."

1. This Year 2009 (like no other year) is the season to experience that it is God alone who makes us fruitful! Although we put effort into cooperating with the Holy Spirit and His leading, ultimately, fruitfulness is a gift from God. And this is our portion this Year 2009 - the Year of Numbers.

2. It is very important we know how to deal with NUMBERS especially the 10 Digits and how they are given to us to know times and season like the sons of Issachar in 1 Chr. 12:32. Our gifts and talents are wonderful things especially the gift of knowing what times we are in and what the season is all about. But trusting in them apart from God's favor and the gift of fruitfulness that only He can give will leave us impotent.

3. The amazing thing about the "gift of fruitfulness" is that we find our efforts produce fruit as we partner with the Holy Spirit in reaping the fruits of Numbers. Not only that, but we enter into personal fruitfulness of rest, peace and joy that is not present when our gifts are used merely in our own strength without the wisdom of God as that given to the sons of Issachar. We need to allow Him to make us fruitful through wisdom and understanding of times so that we do not enter into a place of being driven by fear or lack.

4. The Year 2009, it is very important that we remember that it is His good pleasure to give His children fruitfulness through wisdom and understanding of times! As we begin the year 2009, let us remember that there are nine fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and nine gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). This Year 2009, we will see the Body of Christ enter into the fullness of the fruit and gifts of the Spirit.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Galatians 5:22-23

5. What does it mean the operate on the understanding of times? Examine the principle of the sons of Issachar since their leaders were 200. Two is the number of agreement and the double zero are the numbers of heightened intensity of agreement. This year if we shall all come into agrement, we would then fully realize all that God in Christ Jesus has for us as a Church. It shall come to pass that, "To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message of special knowledge. The same Spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else the one Spirit gives the gift of healing. He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is being said. It is the One and only Spirit who distributes all these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have." 1 Corinthians 12:8-11

I say Maranatha to you. And God richly bless you.

In His Righteousness,

M. Joe Omeokwe, Ph.D.
Senior Pastor

Vineyard International Christian Ministries

1140 Teller Avenue
Bronx, NY 10456, USA.

(718) 538-9211 (Church)
(718) 542-7417 (Fax & 24 Hr. Hotline)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2009 - The Year of Fruitfulness As God Remains the same:

As long as we His sheep - we shall abundantly be fruitful in 2009. Though as Sheep we still be dumb, still vulnerable to wolves and struggling with many of life's unseemliness even that certain future prospects that threaten to be remain unalterable. Yet, the fact remains that everything around us is changing and shaking. But praise God, Hope has kicked in. Hope has illuminated the horizons of our heart as surely as Angelic light filled the night sky at the first Christmas. There is a God. He has not forgotten us and He has not changed. He is the creator of all things living and not-living. He is alive. He has intervened. He has a plan. And it changes how I see all of life, even if most of my life does change or remain the same.
And this is such good news for this Year 2009:

1. The Bible will STILL be the eternal Word of God - forever settled in Heaven!

2. Prayer will STILL always work!

3. The Father will STILL be sitting confidently on His indomitable throne!

4. Jesus will STILL be the Way, the Truth, and the Life - the only means by which you may access the Father!

5. The Holy Spirit will STILL be our Comforter - comforting you from the inside, out!

6. The Church will STILL be "the pillar and ground of the truth" manifesting the wisdom of God!

7. Healing (for spirit, soul, and body) will STILL be in His wings!

8. The Gospel will STILL be the answer - whatever the question!

9. His grace will STILL be all-sufficient and our strength, whatever the task!

10. The gifts of the Spirit will STILL change lives - instantly, radically, and permanently!

11. You will STILL be God's most prized possession - His cherished son or daughter!

12. Heaven will STILL be wonderful, hell will STILL be horrible!

13. "By faith" will STILL be the only way for you to live.

14. You will STILL be "more than a conqueror in Christ" - victory is imminent!

15. Sowing will STILL result in reaping! So keep sowing!

16. God will STILL "always cause you to triumph in Christ!"

17. The love of God will STILL be in your heart - and nothing can separate you from it!

18. "All things will STILL work together for your good" - as you do His will!

19. You will STILL "be the head and not the tail" - blessed when you go out, blessed when you come in!

20. The devil will still, still, STILL, be a big-time loser!

Amen and Maranatha!

In His Righteousness,

M. Joe Omeokwe, Ph.D.
Senior Pastor

Monday, January 5, 2009

My New Year's First Instruction

“And of the children of Issachar, who were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do;” (1 Chronicles 12:32)

1. How does one understand the times? How are times tied to numbers, shapes, colors and symbols. It seems to be a prerequisite for knowing what to do - in the physical and in the spiritual. It is important to know that there patterns to everything especially numerical patterns.

2. Not that God can't still guide the ignorant and uniformed but those who fall in that category tend to miss what God is saying or filter it out because it does not fit with their expectations. This where most people miss it especially in the Church of Christ Jesus unlike those in the Lodges, Occult groups and Sciences.

3. The sons of Issachar believed what Genesis says that the “lights in the firmament of the heaven” were “for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years”. According to the Targum, they also “excelled in the words of the law, were endued with wisdom, and were obedient to their command”. They were masters of signs especially of numbers and of Scripture.

4. We begin to understand the times by understanding like the Issacharians that everything including the planets goes through cycles, seasons, times of change and in divisions of numbers and symbols.

5. In the rain forest, it is known as creative destruction. It is an expected phenomenon where the new is constantly working to replace the old. Something new is born, it grows, then matures but finally enters the phase where it unravels and falls into crisis before being replaced by the emerging generation.

6. Right now in the USA, we have entered the last of the four seasons, I believe. The unraveling always leads to a crisis, out of which a new version of the old emerges, but not without a lot of pain. Everything is cyclical. Read Genesis 8:22.

7. We can also understand the times (especially on how it deals with numbers) by understanding our history and learning that history repeats itself over and over again - especially in generations. Read the book of Kings. It’s like a broken record how Israel repeated the cycle of turning to God, gaining prosperity, growing complacent, falling into decadence, being severely thrashed, then turning back to God again.

For America, the thrashing is only beginning. I am not prophesying here. I am a student of the Bible and of history and of nature. That is why we study times especially of numbers and numerology.

8. It can go no other way, unless there be a wholesale repentance by those who are called by His name if we can understand the writings (numbers) on the wall and times we are in. Who us? Repent? It’s those heathens. It’s those sinners. It’s those bankers. It those politicians. NO! God puts it in our court. We are the ones called by His name and it is up to us to humble ourselves, seek His face and turn from OUR wicked ways. If we can’t admit OUR sins and turn from wickedness how can we expect the heathen to repent who have neither His name nor His power to do so?

9. If you want to know what to do, begin with understanding the times and that begins by gaining a broader perspective. Start with Scripture and look for patterns. Look at history and see the cycles. Look at nature and understand how it works. Look in the heavens and know there are signs put there by God to help us navigate through life.

10. I am not speaking of astrology. But most of all look to Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of your faith to give you the Holy Spirit and to lead you into all truth. Much too often we pass along generational curses with our words and ignorant behaviors. Many fathers and mothers who have unresolved issues from the past declare that they will never be like their parents, only to find themselves displaying attitudes that disappoint and condemn themselves.

CONCLUSION: The child of God is to be an imitator of the heavenly Father. We imitate those to whom we have given our attention and we learn their pattern of doing things. Are you harboring unforgiving beyond a 24 hour pattern (Do Not Let The Sun Go Down On Your Anger) and resentment toward an earthly parent (whose time span may or may not have expired and whose time span is continuing with you in a numerical continuity), you create a spiritual chaotic disorder that breeds all kinds of dysfunctions we spiritually call Curses. Rather give allegiance and preeminence to the God of your salvation for grace not just to forgive but to ensure that biological clock is not set aback - disrupted, mispositioned, diverted or destitute. Let us forgive the past generation their mistakes so that we may be forgiven to progress.

I call heaven and earth (in their times and seasons) as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life (in its time connectedness), that both you and your descendants may live.—Deuteronomy 30:19

For He who is mighty has done great things for me,
And holy is His name.
And His mercy is on those who fear Him
From generation to generation.
—Luke 1:49–50

Abba Father, thank You for sending Jesus who brought us out from under doom by taking the curse for our wrong-doing upon Himself. We have witnessed the fruit of disobedience and ignorance of times, seasons and numbers — the iniquities of the fathers passed down to the present generation. We repent and renounce our sins - the cycles and numbers thereof and the sins of our ancestors, and we ask You to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. In the name of Jesus we break generational curses of our earthy fathers and bow ourselves before You, our heavenly Father who is faithful, forgiving, loving, kind, compassionate, and full of mercy. Amen.